B.Ed. Online Exam SET No. 506 [Dr. Smitha S.] GENERAL PAPERS 1. ‘Identity crisis’ is a Psychological concept created by: (a) E...


B.Ed. Online Exam
SET No. 506 [Dr. Smitha S.]
1. ‘Identity crisis’ is a Psychological concept created by:
(a) Erickson(b) Adler (c) Robert M. Gagne(d) Tolman
2.Which one of the following is not a type in the hierarchy of learning
(a) chaining (b) verbal association (c) achievement motivation (d) multiple discrimination
3.The basis of concrete thinking is
(a) memory (b) retroactive inhibition (c) meta cognition (d) perception
 4.The special technique synetics is developed for fostering
(a) motivation(b) interest (c) creativity(d) attention
 5.Which of these pair is incorrect
(a) EQ - Daniel Goleman(b) SQ - Ian Marshall (c) IQ - William Stern(d) MI - Guilford
6.The full form of MMPI is
(a) Minnesota multi variable pupil inventory (b) Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory (c) Memory multi variable pupil inventory (d) Memory multiphasic personality inventory
7.The technique used for studying social relationships within a group is known as
 (a) Group cohesion(b) Group dynamics (c) Social distance(d) Sociometry
8.Non-directive Counselling is
 (a) Client centred (b) Counsellor centred (c) Teacher centred(d) None of these
9.One whose leadership is founded the university at Pondicherry
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru(b) Sri Aurobindo (c) Dr.Radhakrishnan (d) Dr. Rajendraprasad
10.The term ‘Cultural lag’ has been used by
 (a) Kurt Lewin(b) Ogburn (c) Kohler(d) Spencer
11.Dalton Plan is associated with
(a) John Dewey (b) H.E. Armstrong (c) Halen Parkhurst (d) Catherin M. Bridges
12.Good Teaching is a function of
(a) High Academic qualifications of the teachers (b) High level scholarship of the teachers (c) Sincerity and devotion to the profession of teaching (d) Principal’s powerful leadership in the college
13.Transfer of training is
 (a) Use of learning from one situation to a new situation (b) Learning from environment (c) Learning new situations in an industry (d) Verbal learning in different kinds of situations
14.Many children in your class do not complete their homework regularly you shall tackle this situation by
(a) Delivering a lecture on the importance of homework (b) Making a complaint to the Principal (c) Holding discussion with children’s parents (d) Stopping an assignment for homework
15.Which institution develops: National Curriculum Frame-work (NCF) for School Education
16.Motivation should be followed by
(a) Reproof (b) Incentive (c) Reward (d) Knowledge of Result
17.To obtain the past history of a person is the main objective of which of the following methods ?
 (a) Anecdotal method (b) Cumulative method (c) Case study method (d) Experimental method
18.Sign Learning Experiments are related to
(a) Albert Bandura(b) Tolman (c) Skinner(d) Eric Erickson
19.Who wrote ‘Emotional Intelligence’ in 1995 ?
(a) Howard Gardner(b) Thorndike (c) Daniel Goleman(d) Vygotsky
20.Collective unconscious is related to
(a) Functionalism school (b)Behaviourism school (c) Gestalt school (d) Psycho Analysis school
21.Which ministry in the central government looks after education
(a) Ministry of Science and Education (b) Ministry of Human Resource Development (c) Education and Cultural Ministry (d) Education Ministry
22.According to Gestalt Psychologists, learning involves
(a) Co-operative learning(b) Discovery learning (c) Insight learning (d) Trail and error learning
23.Adolescence is a period of
(a) Empathy (b) Sympathy (c) Love (d) Transition
24.Which of the following is the main Defence mechanism for Adjustment
 (a) Compensation(b) Sublimation (c) Negativism(d) All the above
25.‘Two factor Theory’ is related to the theory of
 (a) Aptitude(b) Attention (c) Intelligence(d) Creativity
26.A research that is carried out to solve immediate problem is
 (a) case study(b) applied research (c) action research(d) sociometry
27.Kerala Curriculum Framework (KCF) came into existence during the year
(a) 2003 (b) 2007 (c) 2009 (d) 2010
28.Which one of the following is a passive agency of education
(a) Library (b) Society (c) School (d) Home
29.The Branch of philosophy deals with values
(a) Metaphysics (b) Axiology (c) Epistemology (d) None of these
30.The term ‘Social efficiency’ is related to
(a) Humanism (b) Existentialism (c) Realism (d) Pragmatism
31.Who founded Rishivalley school ?
(a) Tharabhai Modak(b) Gautam Buddha (c) Jiddhu Krishmoorti(d) Aurobindo
32.Who is the father of Educational Sociology
(a) Auguste Comte(b) George Payne (c) John Lock(d) Maxweber
33.Pabbajja ceremony is related to
(a) Islamic Education(b) Vedic Education (c) Buddhist Education (d) Dravidian Education
34.Which one is not a pillar of education by UNESCO
(a) Learning to live together (b) Learning to know (c) Learning to do (d) Learning to earn
35.Find the odd one out
(a) Scanner(b) Mouse (c) Keyboard(d) Printer
36.Assessment during the instructional phase to in-form the teacher about progress in learning is
 (a) Formative Evaluation (b) Placement Evaluation (c) Diagnostic Evaluation (d) Summative Evaluation
 37.The accuracy with which the test measure what it purports to measure is
(a) objectivity (b) reliability (c) validity (d) subjectivity
38. ‘Dyslexia’ is associated mainly with difficulties in
 (a) writing (b) reading (c) speaking (d) hearing
39. The term ‘Curriculum’ in the field of education refers to
 (a) Overall programme of the school which students’ experiences on a day to day basis (b) Evaluation process (c) Methods of teaching and the content to be taught (d) Text material to be used in the class
 40.Creativity is usually associated with
(a) Divergent thinking (b) Convergent thinking (c) Inductive thinking (d) Deductive thinking
41.The Kothari commission Report on Education was entitled as
 (a) Learning without burden (b) Education and National Development (c) Learnig to be (d) Education for all
42.The most significant approach of Evaluation is
(a) Semester system Evaluation (b) Conducting objective term and examination (c) Continuous and comprehensive evaluation (d) maintaining cumulative records of students
43.Which one of the following is the main objective of teaching ?
(a) To prepare students to pass the examination (b) To give information and related to the syllabus (c) To dictate notes to students (d) To develop thinking power of students
44. Which of the following is related with teaching skill ?
(a) Black-board writing (b) Solving questions (c) Asking questions (d) All the above
45.NUEPA is mainly concerned with
(a) Educational planning (b) Educational Evaluation (c) Educational unity (d) Educational supervision
 46.The pedagogy computer is used
(a) To motivate the learner (b) To provide feedback
(c) To interact with the learner (d) All the above
47.The term ‘Developmental Task’ was popularized by
 (a) Havinghurst(b) Skinner (c) J.B. Watson(d) Hull
48.Good teaching is best reflected by
(a) Pin-drop silence in the class (b) Meaningful questions asked by students (c) Attendance of students (d) Number of distinctions
 49.Environmental education should be taught in schools because
(a) We cannot escape from environment (b) It will affect environmental pollution (c) It is an important part of life (d) It will provide job to teachers
50.Research is
 (a) mostly conducted for purely academic purposes (b) a purposeful, systematic activity (c) a random, unplanned process of discovery (d) mostly conducted to answer questions about practical issues
51.Which of the following will make communication more effective ?
(a) using multi-sensory appeal (b) cracking jokes in between (c) speaking with high authority (d) telling what is useful to the listeners
52.The first Indian satellite for serving the education sector is known as
53.ISP is an acronyn of
(a) Instant service protocol (b) Internal service provider (c) Internet service procedure (d) Internet service provider
54.Ecological systems Theory was propounded by
(a) Bronfeb brenner(b) Mobius (c) Charles Elton(d) Lewin
55.The logo of WWF is
(a) Lion (b) Tiger (c) Giant Panda (d) None of the above
56.IGNOU was set up in the year
 (a) 1985 (b) 1989 (c) 1995 (d) 1999
57.Micro teaching is more effective
 (a) After the teaching practice (b) During teaching practice(c) Always (d) During preparation for teaching practice
58.The first open university in India was set up in the state of
(a) Kerala (b) Rajasthan (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Karnataka
59.A good teacher must be
(a) Resourceful and dominant (b) Resourceful and participative (c) Resourceful and autocratic (d) Resourceful and authoritative
60.Dynamic approach to teaching means
(a) The students should be required to learn through activities (b) Teaching should be forceful and effective (c) The topics of teaching should not be static but dynamic (d) Teachers should be energetic and dynamic