MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS -SET 505 B.Ed. –EDU- 01, 06, 12 & 14 ANSWERS 1.        All of the above 2.        grading system ...

MCQ Set 505- Answer Key EDU-01,06,12 & 14

B.Ed. –EDU- 01, 06, 12 & 14

1.       All of the above
2.       grading system enables continuous and comprehensive internal evaluation
3.       1 & 4
4.       Ivan Illich
5.       impressing upon students the need for proper behavior
6.       the sum of all learning experiences expected to be provided by schools to achieve the instructional objectives
7.       to help all students to excel in the curricular and co-curricular areas
8.       Rousseau
9.       project method
10.   Piaget
11.   Pestalozzi
12.   Naturalism
13.   Both internal and external experiences
14.   Pragmatism
15.   All of these
16.   Family life and population
17.   Purushartha
18.   Imbibing one’s own culture in one’s personality
19.   Mudaliar commission
20.   Dr S. Radhakrishnan
21.   Secondary
22.   Transmission and promotion of cultural heritage
23.   To safeguard public property and to abjure violence
24.   Brainstorming
25.   11th November
26.   CABE
27.   Abraham Maslow
28.   Concept
29.   Inductive approach
30.   Assistive technology
31.   Insight
32.   Underachiever
33.   Dyscalculia
34.   Sociometry
35.   Article 45  
36.   42nd Amendment in 1976
37.   93rd Amendment Bill in the 86th Amendment Act in 2002. Came to force on 1st April 2010
38.   September 8
39.   Lord Macaulay
40.   December 10
41.    Radhakrishnan Commission
42.   Salais, Viharas, Sabha mutts, Kalaries
43.   Magna Carta of Indian Education
44.    Wastage
45.   Stagnation
46.   Article 21 A
47.   Article 45
48.   Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha
49.   Democracy, Secularism, Socialism, Equality
50.   Ossip K. Flechtheim
51.   Article 15(3)
52.   Article 46
53.   Article 14