SREE NARAYANA TRAINING COLLEGE, NEDUNGANDA MCQ,   ENGLISH SET I 1.       When did B S Bloom publish his first taxonomy of educati...

MCQ, ENGLISH SET I- Dr. Reetha Ravi H.


1.      When did B S Bloom publish his first taxonomy of educational objectives?
a)      1951
b)      1954
c)      1956
d)     1959
2. e- padasala is executed  by …………………..
a)          UGC        
b)           MHRD          
c)          SIET             
d)          NCERT
3.Monitor Hypothesis was proposed by………………..
a)      Gardner
b)      Krashen
c)      Chomsky
d)     Palmer
4.The concept of Blended learning was first developed in …………………….
a)          1950s              
b)          1960s         
c)          1970s               
d)        1990s
5.      Which is not part of pedagogic analysis?
a)         Determination of Objectives
b)         Designing of text books
c)         Listing of prerequisites
d)        Preparation for feedback procedure
6.      Brainstorming ideas on a topic will help to improve-------
a)         Process skills
b)         Communication
c)         Critical thinking
d)        Creative thinking
7.      Discourses provide exercises for improving---
a)         Information
b)         Connections
c)         Thoughts
d)        Language

8.      ………………..helps to identify the difficult area of students.
a)      achievement test
b)       diagnostic test
c)       remedial teaching   
d)      online learning

9.      …………………. is the measure of central tendency
a)   Mean
b)   Median
c)   Mode
d)  All the above
10.  NCF was published by …………….
a)   SCERT                                                         
b)   NCERT
c)   MHRD                                                          
d)  UGC

11.  The study of meaning in language is called …………
a)   Phonetics
b)   Semantics
c)   Morphology
d)  Both A and B
12.  The structure to hold and organize knowledge in …………
a)      Brain  
b)      b) schemas                  
c)      c) domain                   
d)     d) none
13.   AOM is based on which theory?
a)      Behaviouristic Theory
b)      Cognitivist Theory
c)      Multiple Intelligence Theory
d)     Meaningful Verbal Learning Theory

14.  ……………….is the proponent of TPR.
a)      Lozanov         
b)      James Asher   
c)       Piaget            
d)     Vygotsky
15.  Which is an oral discourse?
a)      Notice
b)      Report
c)      Debate
d)     Profile

16.  Grammar that deals with terminology, definitions and rules is called---------.
a)         Formal grammar
b)         Functional grammar
c)         Prescriptive grammar
d)        Descriptive grammar

17.  ……………………….. helps teach living languages .
a)         Direct method
b)         Translation Method
c)         Bilingual Method
d)        All the above
18.  Dysgraphia is a ………….disorder.
a)         writing                                                              
b)         reading
c)         spelling                                                              
d)         drawing
19.      ………………helps students think about how they learn.
a)         Meta cognitive skills
b)         Super learning
c)         Critical thinking
d)        All the above
20.   A good Curriculum should be ………………
a)         flexible                                                           
b)         comprehensive
c)         Forward looking                                                  
d)        All the above

21.   Modules are……………..
a)         programmed                                                       
b)          branched
c)         self- instructional                                               
d)        linear
22.  MOOC emerged as a popular mode of learning in …………………….
a)         2010               
b)         2011            
c)         2012               
d)        2013

23.  Suggestopedia was put forth by……………....
a)         James Asher   
b)         Piaget    
c)         Vygotsky       
d)        George Lozanov
24.  …………………. are active skills
a)         Listening and reading
b)         Listening and writing
c)         Speaking and reading
d)        Speaking and writing
25.  Words with different spelling and the same sound are called………..
a)         Hyponyms
b)         Homophones
c)         Homonyms
d)        Synonyms

26.  According to James Asher, language learning happens first through……….
a) stimulus 
b) response           
c) motivation                    
d) physical movements

27.  SLO stands for ……………………….
a)         Slow learning objectives
b)         Slow leaners organization
c)         Short learning objects
d)        None of the above
28.  ………….. helps English Language cope with global trends.
a)         networking                           
b)         programmed learning
c)         literary translation                                              
d)        video conferencing
29.   Feigenbaum developed the concept of ………………..
a)          SLO            
b)         TQM        
c)         VLE             
d)        RLO
30.  ……………… is a Humanistic Approach.
a)         Structural Approach   
b)          Situational Approach            
c)         The Silent Way 
d)         None

31.  …………….is a rating scale and a scoring guide.
a)           Questionnaire
b)          Inventory
c)           Rubrics
d)          None of the above
32.  ……………..learning has no set objectives in terms of learning outcomes.
a)         Formal                                                               
b)         Informal
c)         Non -Formal                                                      
d)        Experiential
33.  Language is firmly anchored in ………….form
a) Alphabetic        
b) written             
c) spoken  
d) complete    

34.  Action research is…………………………..
a)         longitudinal research
b)         applied research
c)         research with socio-economic objective
d)        long term research

35.  Tone variation is a subskill of  the skill of ………..  
a)         Introduction
b)         Reinforcement
c)         Stimulus variation
d)        Recitation
36.  The unplanned or unintended curriculum that plays an important role in learning is called
a)         Hidden curriculum
b)         Assessed curriculum
c)         Taught curriculum
d)        Written curriculum
37.  The theory of multiple intelligence was put forth by …………
a)         Piaget
b)         Vygotsky
c)         Bruner
d)        Gardner
38.  Which is not considered a language element?
a)         Words
b)         Idioms
c)         Structures
d)        Spelling
39.  Which Model helps to enhance creativity of students?
a)      AOM
b)      CAM
c)      Synetics Model
d)     Direct Instruction Model
40.  SOS Approach is …………………………..
a)         Systematic organized structural approach
b)         Situational oral structural approach
c)         Structural oral systematic approach
d)        All the above 
41.  Blogs help in…………
a)         Networking                                                      
b)         sharing resources
c)          attaining expertise                                           
d)        All the above
42.           …………….serves as an educational evidence of a student.
a)            a. life-long learning         
b)             online learning           
c)            portfolio     
d)           rubrics

43.  NMEICT expects to enhance ………………..
a)         GER            
b)         TQM        
c)         VLE             
d)        RLO

44.  Social Constructivism was proposed by………….
                                   a) Piaget
                                    b) Bruner
                                   c) Vygotsky
                                    d) Chomsky
45.  Source Book is for …………
a)      Teachers                                                           
b)      Students
c)      Heads                                                               
d)     Trainers

46.  Skimming and scanning are associated with -------
a)      Listening
b)      Speaking
c)      Reading
d)     Writing 
47.  …………is an affective filter that intervenes the process of learning.
a) experience
b)      Strategy
c)      Environment
d)     anxiety
48.  CALL is a ……………..strategy
a)      Mastery Learning                                         
b)      self instructional
c)      Networking                                                    
d)     proficiency attaining
49.  Analogy  is a term associated with ………………
a)      Synectics  Model                                          
b)       CAM
c)      Direct Instruction Model                              
d)      AOM

50.  Which is not an important aim of teaching poetry?
a)         To sharpen one’s sense of beauty
b)         To increase one’s knowledge of the language
c)         To develop the power of imagination
d)        To appreciate the magical power of words